With the primaries around the corner it’s only right I speak with a politician in my backyard. I was able to have an insightful conversation with the formidable Marc Flores, a Democratic Candidate for U.S. Congress I TX-18. Marc’s background includes organizing and running Beto O’ Rourke’s campaign. Well Marc is stepping from behind the scenes to run for congress of my area.
In our episode, we talked about going above and pouring in more than is expected of you. We talked about work ethic and politics. In our discussion, we talked about the cannibalistic nature of the democratic party. Even if you don’t subscribe to Marc’s politics I think there’s a lot of gold to pull from his ideology and thoughts behind his decisions.
Early voting in Texas is commencing RIGHT NOW and ends Feb. 28th, 2020. The primary is March 3. Personally I don’t care how you vote, just make sure you make your voice heard, and you vote for people that care and know you exist.
If you’d like to know more about Marc visit: ?https://www.marcfloresforcongress.com/
If you like his message DONATE : ? actblue.com/donate/marcflores
Follow Marc Flores on Instagram: ?https://www.instagram.com/marcfloresforcongress/
Follow Marc Flores on Facebook: ?https://www.facebook.com/marcfloresforcongress
Follow Man Rabbit Art on Twitter: ?https://twitter.com/MarcFloCongress
Follow Offstage The Podcast on Instagram: ? https://www.instagram.com/offstagethepodcast/
★Email JORDAN BAYLOR Directly Here: ? iamjordanbaylor@gmail.com
★ Direct Message Jordan on Instagram Here: ? https://www.instagram.com/iamjordanbaylor